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The Advantages of Clad Metals


We cannot ignore the fact that we heavily rely on the use of metals for various purposes. In construction, for example, metals are extensively used. There are very many different kinds of metals. These metals have different properties. Some of these properties are desirable while others are not. This is where cladding comes in. Cladding is the process of bonding together of dissimilar metals. The aim of doing so is often to achieve the best possible combination of functional characteristics.


The clad metals can be designed in plates, sheet, tubes, rods, as well as wire forms. Cladding is achieved by various processes. These processes include pressing extrusion, electroplating as well as a variety of chemical techniques. Among the most frequent methods that are used to produce clad metals is roll bonding. All these processes give the opportunity for the combination of desirable properties of individual metals into a material system. At the end of it all, the material system will have improved characteristics over the individual metals. Get cladding services here!


There are very many advantages associated with clad metals. Below are a few of these advantages. First of all, there is the increase in strength. The resulting clad metal will be stronger than the individual metal. For instance, when you have a metal with the kind of properties that you are looking for, but it happens that it is not strong enough, the best way to go about it is to combine it with a stronger metal. As a result, the final product will retain the properties that you desired and at the same time adopting becoming stronger than it was before cladding.


Similarly, the metal inlay strips has been used for quite some time now to improve the electrical properties of metals. This is achieved by combining a metal that has desirable electrical properties with the metal of interest. You will retain your metal of interest and at the same time giving your final product the electrical properties. This is also what happens in case you want to improve the thermal properties of a given metal that you are interested in. Again, you will just have to combine it with a metal that has these properties.


Finally, metal cladding can also be used to enhance the appearance of a given piece of metal. There are very many other advantages associated with metal cladding. These are just a few examples. Check out this website at and know more about metals.

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